Emily Stouffer


Senior sessions seem to always remind me that life flies by. Growing up adults always told me, "As you get older, the years will start to go by faster". Me being a kid, I had no idea that they would be right. I still remember my first day of high school like it was just yesterday. Now here I am with just three semesters left of college and I am wondering how I got to be so old?! 

Here are just a few tips on how to make life slow down. First of all, BE PRESENT. Whether you are doing something you don't want to be doing at the moment or having the time of your life, be in the moment and soak it in. Second of all, we should all spend more time prioritizing our friends and family. At the end of the day the material things aren't going to show you the love that your friends and family can. One last tip that I have personally found helps me is to move. Get up, turn off that Netflix show you love and embrace any "extra" time you may have for that day. Even if you have a hard time initially getting up I promise at the end of the day your body will thank you for giving it the exercise it needs (even if it isn't much!).

I loved chatting with Emily about her passions and goals she has for the next few years. I am so excited to see Emily graduate in May and begin her life after high school. I loved getting to know you Emily! Happy Graduation!