DFW Spring Senior | Katie Irby
Katie Irby was my very first full senior session in the Dallas Fort Worth area. To say it went perfectly, would an UNDERSTATEMENT. I recently moved here from Northwest Arkansas and I was very excited to get into the industry here. Being from a smaller area, the city life was a little bit overwhelming. But I soon found my little corners and We found some great lighting and locations.
Katie was actually recommended to me by one of my Fayetteville seniors… Which is the coolest thing ever! Katie is going to be rooming with one of my seniors from Fayetteville next year at the University of Arkansas. I'm so excited for them to get to spend time together and it's so cool that I was connected to them! Now, obviously, you can see Katie is absolutely gorgeous. I can tell you from spending 3 hours with her, that she has a very bright future ahead of her and she will go far in this world. She is a sweetheart and I am so excited for her to be at the University of Arkansas next year. WOO PIG!