Whitney Bryner Bridals


My beautiful older sister, Whitney, married the man of her dreams on a few weeks ago on August 4th 2018. Growing up Whitney was always this sister I saw as perfect and I had it all together. When I got older I realized that wasn't true but it made me love her even more. I learned that no one is perfect. No one can be 100% all the time. No one can love you perfect all the time either. That is what I love about people. No one can possibly be "perfect" but we have people that are MADE perfectly for us. We have people in our lives that God purposely put in our lives to shape us and make us who we are today. Whitney shaped me all growing up and I really started noticing when I got older. I thank God from the bottom of my heart for giving me the perfect older sister for ME. Neither of us are perfect but she is exactly what I needed as an older sister. I can say the same for all my siblings but I get real emotion when realizing that she is MARRIED. 

I am so proud of you Whitney! Love you so so much and I am so thankful I got to take your bridals! 

Elizabeth Buccheri