Hey! Hi! Hello!


Hello readers! My name is Elizabeth Williams and I am a portrait photographer in Northwest Arkansas. I have been wanting to get into blogging for quite some time now but was always too insecure and nervous to begin. Why am I finally starting now? I have the most dreaded week of the semester coming up... finals. Who's with me? With finals week coming up way too quickly I realize that I have forgotten everything I've learned over the semester. With the pressure of trying to re-memorize dates and rules I look for little distractions to keep me sane. This is where blogging comes into play. 

I want to use blogging this week as a distraction from the real world. It's a way I can escape the reality of deadlines, holiday craziness, cafeteria food, and dorm life. I don't know about you but I need some time for myself when life gets busy. I need an hour to just focus on myself and how I can refuel before I take on the other responsibilities of life. 

I will be mostly blogging about my photography but I want to know what you want to hear about from me. Enjoy!!!

Elizabeth Buccheri